Sunday, February 27, 2005


Son Rise

I surface from the depths of sleep
Swimming upwards
Dreams still clinging like water lilies to my liquid thoughts
The night is full of hush
Cathedral silence
Except for the clear singular sound of your call
Firm, insistent summons
Wordless meaning
I flow through the shadows on some sixth sense
Until I find you in the dark
“Shhhh, I’m here . . .”
My arms were made for your roundness
I wrap you into my dreaming
Press your hunger to my heart
And we rock away warm into the rich deep darkness

Whispers of grey
Ebbing night
In the new tracings of light
You are no longer just a soft receiving bundle
But the curve of a cheek
A tiny fist hugged tight around my finger
Round sweet sounds I feel humming through my hands
Clear dark mirrors of my own big eyes
Softened with a secret smile
Just for me

And now your windows are brimming full of morning
Flowing over with a new golden day
This day and all the bright sweet tomorrow’s
Just for you

©Edwina Peterson Cross
October 1989